Saturday, February 25, 2006

i'll take it

Twice, twice in one year I have paid the first months rent for an unseen apartment.

June 2005 - Began looking for a place 7 days before I needed to move in. From the owner's mom, I learnt over the phone that "it could probably be really cute if you covered up furniture" and that "a nice social worker lived upstairs" Sounded good to me. How could a sweet mom and social worker be wrong! And it actually did look okay once I added my own touches like a seagrass mat in the living room, a lovely bright purple throw over the living room furniture and some unique (as in disposable) art work. Just imagine how hot that looked with the pink carpet

Now, I'm really disappointed I have no pictures of suite avec shauna. I took these after I had packed up and even considered redecorating a bit for the shots.....but how stupid would that have been.

February 2006 - 5 days before move I hit the SIAST student housing registry (thanks to a little white lie told the SIAST lady back in the summer). Approximately 20 phones calls got me 3 viewings. I took the 1st and skipped out on the other appointments.

This time I have an unfurnished bachelor suite in a old building that is not quite pretty enough to be designated a heritage site. What this means is a mattress on the floor, a folding card table and whatever else I can stuff into the back of my little truck on Wednesday morning at 8 am.

Now again, I have not seen the suite. Drove up today, met the landlord and got to peek into a smaller bachelor suite in the basement. It was cute, like little cute, besides the fact that it had no floor or walls. Mines on the top floor, a bit bigger and has two big jutty out windows. I've always wanted a little attic apartment and thought this could well be my last chance until I own the building with the cute little attic apartment!

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