Monday, March 13, 2006

the problem with dr. phil

For me, watching the dr. phil show is like eating McDonalds. I know it'll sicken me...maybe even make me gag...but I just can't help myself. Some things I can't stand are:

Head Powdering - The matte bald head is just too much.

The dr. phil Family - Okay, how did Jay become the expert on teen weight loss. Give me a break. And Robin, that would be the day that I went to watch my husband do his job every day. Its probably because of her that he has to powder his head so much. Those huge, white veneers were reflecting too much light off his un-matte head.

Big Set Furniture - Does the furniture have to be so tall. Not only does this man belittle his guests with his idiotic approach, but they need stools to get up the chairs. But of course, dr.phil doesn't need the stool. He's tall and perfect.

Stay tuned for the next edition of "the problem with dr. phil", where i will move on to address the problem with what comes out of this blowhorns mouth.

1 comment:

angelina said...

you and i are on the same wavelength shauna...i love how he thinks he can cure a lifetime of problems in a 15 minute segment