Saturday, December 02, 2006

A long history of curling

I woke up today laughing to myself about my 20 year history of being a curler. Well actually, laughing is something that is not a regular morning activity. However, after a couple cups of java...

It all started in Grade 10 phys. ed. This is where I picked up the techniques that I incorporate into my game today. These include:

-falling after each throw. I specifically favour the backward fall at this stage in my career. Past strategies of falling forward often resulted in black and blue knees. Bruised knees are the butt of many tasteless jokes. And I hate tasteless jokes.
-sweeping like a grandma. According to Dusty's heckling last night, I guess this is what I do.

I contribute these abilities to muscle memory. From what I understand, muscle memory is a key part of mastering any sport.

Now my curling career aburptly ended after the "Sports of the Prairies" curriculum section was finished. But I did pick it up again at the age of 20, when it was legal for me to balance out the weight of the broom with a nice cold beer. Yes this was at the Regina Esso Gas Station Christmas Party. My friends, just for you I dug into the vault and would like to share parts of that night with you.

The year 1990. Here I am modeling my prize of a mechanics/gas jockey/hunting vest, along with a fellow teammate, who was obviously just as proud of his newly acquired jumper cables. Yes, I realize there are many aspects of this picture that you may be taking in, but I would like you to focus in on my curling pants...

It is true, they are flower print leggings. I think the pairing of these pants with the nice ankle socks and and the "hello, my name is" tag plastered to the middle of my chest made a great ensemble.

I dare all of you fellow bloggers to share a "what was I thinking" picture of a fashion statement that you thought was a good idea at the time......


Shannon said...

Nice pants, Shauna...I have to say, they're much more stylish than the Leafs jersey that one guy showed up in!
At this stage of my career, I am still falling forward - and I have a nice red and bluish knee today to prove it!

CurlyQ said...

i gave up on you baby. glad to see your back. forget about the pants, i like your date!