Wednesday, March 29, 2006

wise words

Last summer an elder told us that we had to see where and how the people lived. That we could never understand if we didn't see it. Today I saw.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


So I am always telling myself to appreciate the travel part of going on trips. A journey is much more than a destination. I took advantage of this and voluntarily bumped myself from the middle seat on a Jazz flight for a business class seat. This involved one extra connection and an arrival 3 hours later. But I think it was well worth it.

Have you ever taken an Air Canada Regional Transit Plane. Oh my god, I had to duck to get into the plane, my carry-on bags did not fit under the seat or in the overhead. I guess I went over the 6 square inch allowed limit. Arriving in Calgary and not looking forward to my middle seat, I jumped (maybe a bit too quickly) at the chance for the 1st class option. This was perfect because I needed the room to well write my whole presentation speech. This idea did not last long.

My seatmate was a fellow volunteer bumpee. This resulted in two people who were excited to be flying in style and ready to take advantage of all the perks. The day of dining started at the private lounge in Calgary airport. I bypassed the self serve Guinness tap and had a plate of fresh pineapple and some cheese. I was really tempted to go for the beer but it was only 9:00 am. On flight we were served steamy towels to clean our face followed by a fritata which was excellent. I believe the wine started flowing by about noon. I could go on, but you get the picture. If you get the chance give up a few hours to sit in the fancy seats!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

lush extravaganza

I picked up a big bag of lush. It gets expensive. So I've decided no more lush bath bombs (well, just butter balls). This was cemented by the 5.95 plus taxes I paid for the pleasure of cleaning the scuzzy purple stain in my tub. I was excited, it was a yummy smell. I think it was a Black Pearl. As soon as I dropped it in the tub, the stress began of trying to get the colour off the sides of the tubs before it set in. Yeah, a nice relaxing soak after a long day. The problem is.....this had happened before. Hey lush folks, it smells great, you don't have to put the dye in.

But I got some other great things so don't worry, it's not all bad.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

things about prince albert, saskatchewan

homemade peanut butter cookies from Outpost Cafe
spicy lemongrass soup from Saigon River
all the trees
chocolate croissants from the Bison Cafe
the palm-reading waitress at Belly Ups Pub
having a coop grocery store just 2 blocks from my place
downtown parking meters that give you 1 hour for 50 cents

blatant racism
getting my truck stuck in all the snow
not having cable...torrents are my friends
the big PA's most wanted banner hanging in the mall
the stench of the pulp mill

all the snowmobiling commercials/psa's on local tv
a mall that has a keno section and an abilities store that sells nevada tickets
6 shooters karoke bar

Monday, March 13, 2006

the problem with dr. phil

For me, watching the dr. phil show is like eating McDonalds. I know it'll sicken me...maybe even make me gag...but I just can't help myself. Some things I can't stand are:

Head Powdering - The matte bald head is just too much.

The dr. phil Family - Okay, how did Jay become the expert on teen weight loss. Give me a break. And Robin, that would be the day that I went to watch my husband do his job every day. Its probably because of her that he has to powder his head so much. Those huge, white veneers were reflecting too much light off his un-matte head.

Big Set Furniture - Does the furniture have to be so tall. Not only does this man belittle his guests with his idiotic approach, but they need stools to get up the chairs. But of course, dr.phil doesn't need the stool. He's tall and perfect.

Stay tuned for the next edition of "the problem with dr. phil", where i will move on to address the problem with what comes out of this blowhorns mouth.